International scientific articles and book chapters

Tromp K, Smedinga M, Richard E, Perry M, Schermer MHN. Views on early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease among dutch physicians: a qualitative interview study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200884

Smedinga M, Bunnik E, Richard E, Schermer, M. (2020) The Framing of “Alzheimer’s Disease”: Differences Between Scientific and Lay Literature and Their Ethical Implications. The Gerontologist.

Verweij M, van de Vathorst S, Schermer M, Willems D, de Vries M. (2020) Ethical Advice for an Intensive Care Triage Protocol in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from The Netherlands. Public Health Ethics.

Soloukey S, Harhangi B, Prins A, Schermer M. (2020) Diagnosing embodiment should become part of our repertoire. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Snoek A, De Haan S, Schermer M, Horstkötter D. (2019) On the Significance of the Identity Debate in DBS and the Need of an Inclusive Research Agenda. A Reply to Gilbert, Viana and Ineichen. Neuroethics.

Alblas M, Schermer M, Vergouwe I, Bolt I. (2019) Autonomy challenges in epigenetic risk-stratified cancer screening: how can patient decision aids support informed consent? Journal of Personalized Medicine.

Schermer M, Richard E. (2018) On the redefinition of Alzheimer’s disease. Bioethics. https://doi/full/10.1111/bioe.12516

Vos I, Bolt LLE, Schermer MHN. (2018) Recent insights into decision-making and their implications for informed consent. Journal of Medical Ethics.

Specker J, Focquaert F, Sterckx, Schermer MHN. (2018) Forensic practitioners’ views on stimulating moral development and moral growth in forensic psychiatric care. Neuroethics.

Bunnik E, Richard E, Milne R,Schermer MHN. (2018) On the personal utility of Alzheimer's disease related biomarker testing in the research context. Journal of Medical Ethics.

Tbalvandany S, Harhangi BB, Prins AW, Schermer, MHN. (2018) Embodiment in Neuro-engineering Endeavors: Phenomenological Considerations and Practical Implications. Neuroethics.

Ehni H-J, Kadi S, Schermer M, Venkatapuram S. (2018) Toward a global geroethics – gerontology and the theory of the good human life. Bioethics.

Stol Y, Asscher E, Schermer MHN. (2018) Good health checks according to the general public  Expectations and Criteria  A focus group study. BMC Medical Ethics 19:64

Stol Y, Asscher E, Schermer MHN. (2017) What is a good health check? An interview study of health check providers' views and practices. BMC Medical ethics 18:55

Specker J, Focquaert F, Sterckx, Schermer MHN. (2017) Forensic practitioners’ expectations and moral views regarding neurobiological interventions in offenders with mental disorders. BioSocieties 13; 1:304–321.

Noordraven, EL, Schermer MHN, Blanken P, Mulder CL, Wierdsma AI. (2017) Ethical acceptability of offering financial incentives for taking antipsychotic depot medication: patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives after a 12-month randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 17:313.

Specker J, Schermer M. (2017) Imagining moral bioenhancement practices. Drawing inspiration from moral education, public health ethics, and forensic psychiatry. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26: 415–426.

Janssens CJW, Bunnik EM, Burke W, Schermer MHN. (2017) Uninformed consent in nutrigenomic research. Eur J Hum Genet. 25(7):789-790.–2

Specker J,  Schermer MHN, Reiner PB. (2017) Public Attitudes Towards Moral Enhancement. Evidence that Means Matter Morally. Neuroethics 10; 3: 405–417

Stol YH, Schermer MHN, Asscher ECA. (2017) Omnipresent health checks may result in over-responsibilization. Public Health Ethics 10 (1): 35-48

Milne R, Bunnik E, Tromp K, Bemelmans S, Badger S, Gove D, Maman M,  Schermer M, Truyen L, Brayne C, Richard E. (2017) Ethical issues in the development of readiness cohorts in Alzheimer’s disease research. J Prev Alz Dis. 4(2):125-131

Bemelmans SASA, Tromp K, Bunnik EM, Milne RJ, Badger S,  Brayne C, Schermer MHN, Richard E. (2016) Psychological, behavioral and social effects of disclosing Alzheimer’s Disease biomarkers to research participants – a systematic review. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 8:46

Schermer M. (2016). Cognitive enhancement in the Netherlands. Practices, Public opinion, and Ethics. In: Jotterand F, Dubljevik V (eds) Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2016, pp 181-195. ISBN 9780199396818

Stol YH, Asscher ECA, Schermer MHN. (2016) Reasons to participate or not to participate in cardiovascular health checks: a review of the literature. Public Health Ethics 9; 3:301-311

Schermer M. (2015) The ethics of pharmacological mood enhancement. In: Clausen J and Levy N (eds) Handbook of neuroethics.  Dordrecht: Springer 2015, pp 1177-90  ISBN 978-94-007-4706-7

Schermer M. (2015). Reducing, restoring or enhancing autonomy with neuromodulation techniques. In: Glannon W (ed) Free will and the brain. Neuroscientific, philosophical, and legal perspectives. Cambridge University Press 2015, pp 205-227  ISBN 978-1-107-03603-1

Focquaert F, Schermer, M. (2015) Moral enhancement: Do means matter morally? Neuroethics 8; 2: 139-51.

Bunnik EM, Janssens ACJW, Schermer MHN. (2015) Personal Utility in Genomic Testing: Is There Such a Thing? Journal of Medical Ethics. 41;4: 322-326

Bunnik EM, Janssens ACJW, Schermer MHN. (2014) Informed Consent in Direct-to-Consumer Personal Genome Testing: The Outline of a Model between Specific and Generic Consent. Bioethics. 28;7:343-51

Bunnik EM, Schermer MHN, Janssens ACJW. (2014) Naming and Framing in Genomic Testing. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 20;2:63-5

Raus K, Focquaert F, Schermer M, Specker J, Sterckx S. (2014) On Defining Moral Enhancement: A Clarificatory Taxonomy. Neuroethics. 7; 3:263-73

Schermer M. (2014) The Cyborg-Fear: How Conceptual Dualisms Shape Our Self-Understanding. AJOB Neuroscience. 5; 4:56-7

Specker J, Foquaert F, Raus K, Sterckx S, Schermer M, (2014) The ethical desirability of moral bioenhancement: a review of reasons. BMC Medical Ethics 15; 1: 67-

Schermer, M. (2014) Ethics of pharmacological mood enhancement. In: Clausen J, Levy N (eds) Handbook of Neuroethics. Dordrecht: Springer pp 1178-1190

Schermer M. (2014) Telling the truth: the ethics of deception and white lies in dementia care. In: Foster C, Herring J and Doron I (eds) The law and ethics of dementia. Oxford: Hart Publishers, 2014.

Keulartz J, Schermer M. (2014) A pragmatist approach to the governance of vulnerability.

In: Hommel A, Mesman J, Bijker WE (eds) Vulnerability in technological cultures. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2014, pp 285-304

E.C.A. Asscher, M. Schermer. (2014) Wish-fulfilling medicine in practice: the opinions and arguments of lay-people. Journal of Medical Ethics  40;12:837-41 https://doi:10.1136/medethics-2013-101480



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